Calendar: May 2014

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29 maja zakończona została budowa systemu przepustów dla płazów na drodze nr 1953N (Skajzgiry-Żytkiejmy) w miejscowości Skajzgiry II. Na odcinku drogi o długości 0,250 km (od km 3+330 do km 3+580) wybudowano 4 tunele o długość 9 m każdy, 8 portali i 500 m barier naprowadzających po obu stronach drogi. Tunele są rozmieszczone w poprzek drogi co 50 m. Wszystkie elementy konstrukcyjne przepustów są wykonane z polimerobetonu i dzięki temu charakteryzują się wysoką wytrzymałością na ściskanie i zginanie, odpornością chemiczną, brakiem zbrojenia oraz nienasiąkliwością (głębokość penetracji wody = 0 mm).

On May 18th, at Primary School in Nowa Wieś, a lecture called 'Let's get to know amphibians in the nearest surroundings and learn to take care of them' took place. The lecture was attended by 2nd and 3rd grade students and their teachers (total of 30 people). It was led by Katarzyna Łukowska and Aleksandra Mackiewicz.

The lecture was based on a multimedia presentation.

During the classes, the youngest students had the opportunity to learn about the biology of amphibians found in their nearest surrounding. The whole lecture was based on the tale of Matilda the Tree Frog. The children also got to know selected amphibians species, both caudate and anuran, who were Matilda's neighbors. Thanks to giving the amphibians names, they became closer to the children and they got with more tamed them.

May was also a good time for direct observation of amphibians. The students had the opportunity to observe the migration of amphibian to water tanks in which they spawn. Thanks to amphibians models, the observation of individual species characteristics was much easier. They also helped to draw attention to the fundamental differences between species. It was mainly their size.

Games and activities that accompanied the classes made them much more attractive. Quizzes were also organized in which students had the opportunity to test their knowledge. The sound quiz was quite difficult, but the kids did not have problems with recognizing those species they directly observed in the direct surroundings. This confirms the theory that, in the case of the youngest nature lovers, direct perception and contact with nature should be amplified with sounds of nature.

Each participant received a set of educational materials, and the winners of competitions - small amphibian related gifts.

After the lecture, the students declared their willingness to engage in activities related to amphibians direct protection in the nearest surroundings.