Between April 23rd-24th, Polish Television was preparing one of the episodes of the "Dancing with Nature" series, devoted to the results of the project - active protection of amphibians (this episode will be aired nationwide in September).
On April 14th, at the School of Płociczno, a lecture called 'Protection of amphibians in Natura 2000 areas in north-eastern Poland' took place. The classes were attended by 26 children from the area of Suwalki.
The lecture began with a presentation related to the knowledge of the biology and ecology of amphibians. The participants recognized voices of amphibians. Using amphibians models the children learnt to distinguish amphibians females from males. The classes were also enriched with many interesting task. At the end of the theoretical part, the students performed a frog origami. Practical classes were not as easy as it seemed.
As a practical part o the learning process, at the end of the lecture, the whole group went to make direct observations in the place where a fence securing amphibians migration path to their breeding place was previously set - to a small water tank on the edges of the village. During the observation, the children identified Common toads and Common frogs. The students, working with the observation cards, completed the records, moved amphibians from one side to the other and secured the fence.
At the end of the classes, all participants received bookmarks, guides with recorded voices of amphibians, t-shirts and mugs with the logo of the project.