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May-June 2015

Within the F.2 action - Networking with other projects, a study trip to Italy and Slovenia took place between May 30th - June 4th 2015. The trip was attended by three people representing Man and Nature Association. The aim of the trip was to establish contacts and exchange experiences with representatives of two EU projects carried out under the LIFE program (LIFE06 NAT / SI / 000069 and LIFE + 11 NAT / IT / 00094). In addition, the trip was also attended by representatives of two other LIFE projects - from Pieniny National Park (LIFE12 NAT / E / 000034) and from Wigry National Park (LIFE11 NAT / E / 00431). It was an excellent opportunity to exchange experience gained during the implementation of EU projects by the three Polish beneficiaries.

May 2015

On May 23rd, "Man and Nature" Association together with Wigry National Park - implementing the project "Active protection of endangered species and habitats in the Natura 2000 "Ostoja Wigierska" area (LIFE11 NAT/E/000431) and Głęboki Bród Forest District - co-beneficiary of the project "Active protection of lowland populations of grouse in the area of Bory Dolnośląskie and Augustow Primeval Forest (LIFE11 NAT/E/428), organized a Day of Natura 2000, in the form of a picnic for everyone who was in terested in coming. In Stary Folwark village, at the Wigry Museum, one could get to know the three projects implemented under the LIFE program, take part in nature related games and activities, participate in the workshops called "Replace goldenrod by the fence with mallow". One could also taste the regional delicacies kitchen. The event was attended by over 200 people.

On May 7th, in School Complex in Krasnopol, 2 lectures called 'Amphibians protection in Natura 2000 area in north-eastern Poland' took place. They were attended by 2nd and 3rd grade of gymnasium students.

April 2015

Between April 23rd-24th, Polish Television was preparing one of the episodes of the "Dancing with Nature" series, devoted to the results of the project - active protection of amphibians (this episode will be aired nationwide in September).

14 kwietnia, w Zespole Szkół w Płocicznie, odbyła się prelekcja pt. "Ochrona płazów na obszarach Natura 2000 w północno-wschodniej Polsce". W zajęciach uczestniczyło 26 dzieci z terenu Suwalszczyzny. Prelekcja rozpoczęła się prezentacją związaną z poznaniem biologii i ekologii płazów. Uczestnicy rozpoznawali głosy płazów. Dzięki oglądaniu modeli płazów dzieci nauczyły się odróżniać samice płazów od samców. Zajęcia wzbogaciły również ciekawe zadania z kart pracy. Na zakończenie części teoretycznej, uczniowie wykonywali żabie origami. Zajęcia praktyczne wcale nie były łatwe.

March 2015

The second lecture, with the same title, took place on March 31st, in Primary School in Stary Folwark.

This 3-hour talk was attended by 22 4th grade students and 2 teachers.

As the previous one, this lecture was based on a multimedia presentation enriched with classes based on the large format board game 'Let's play green'.

On March 26th, in Gymnasium No. 2 in Suwałki, a lecture called 'Amphibians protection in Natura 2000 area in north-eastern Poland' took place.

This 4-hour talk was attended by 30 students from 2nd grade. Most of this school's students live outside of Suwałki, in villages located within the borders of Wigry National Park and its buffer zone. The school itself implements a number of initiatives in the field of ecology.

Between Mar 10-12, the LIFE12 NAT/PL/000063 project implementation was controlled under contract with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

February 2015

On Feb 15th, restoration of 7 water reservoirs, which previously (before atresia and shallow water) served amphibians as breeding places, was completed. All reservoirs are located in the Rosochaty Róg, within the Natura 2000 "Ostoja Wigierska" area. Each tank has a surface area of not less than 350 m2 and the restoration works in cluded the deepening to a depth not exceeding 2 m, proper shaping of the edges and the bottom (after removing the overgrown shrubs and herbaceous plants and excess sludge), deposits scattered around the reservoirs.

December 2014

On Dec 29th, the construction of culverts system for amphibians by the road no. 1898N (Budwiecie-Boczki) in Boczki was officially completed. On the stretch of the road with a length of 0,300 km there has been built: - 5 tunnels with a length of 9 m each, - 10 portals, - grills with cast iron grates and frames with a total length of 14 m, - 560 m of guiding barriers on both sides of the road. The tunnels are arranged across the road, every 50 m. All culverts' construction components are made of polymer concrete and thus have a compressive strength and flexural strength, chemical resistance, lack of reinforcement and absorbency.

The construction of culverts system for amphibians by the road no. 655 (Suwałki-Rutka Tartak) in Sidorówka was also completed that day. On the stretch of the road with a length of 0,278 km there has been built: - 5 tunnels with a length of 12 m each, - 10 portals,- grills with cast iron grates and frames with a total length of 12 m, - 556 m of guiding barriers on both sides of the road. The tunnels are arranged across the road, every 50 m. All culverts' construction components are made of polymer concrete and thus have a compressive strength and flexural strength, chemical resistance, lack of reinforcement and absorbency.

November 2014

The first one, 'Let's get to know amphibians in the nearest surroundings and learn to take care of them', was attended by 2nd and 3rd grade students and their teachers (total of 32 people).

The second lecture, called 'Amphibians protection in Natura 2000 area in north-eastern Poland', was attended by 4th grade students from primary school and 1st grade students from gymnasium, with their teachers (total of 33 people).

Both 3-hours classes were led by Katarzyna Łukowska and Aleksandra Mackiewicz.

October 2014

4 października zakończona została budowa systemu przepustów dla płazów na drodze nr 678 Kleosin-Sokoły w miejscowości Baciuty. Na odcinku drogi o długości 0,840 km wybudowano 13 tuneli o długość 11 m każdy, 26 portali, 22 m stoprynien i 1680 m barier naprowadzających po obu stronach drogi. Tunele są rozmieszczone w poprzek drogi co 60 m. Wszystkie elementy konstrukcyjne przepustów są wykonane z polimerobetonu i dzięki temu charakteryzują się wysoką wytrzymałością na ściskanie i zginanie, odpornością chemiczną, brakiem zbrojenia oraz nienasiąkliwością (głębokość penetracji wody = 0 mm).

September 2014

25 września w budynku Dyrekcji Parku Krajobrazowego Puszczy Rominckiej odbyły się warsztaty poświęcone ochronie płazów.Celem warsztatów było zapoznanie uczestników z metodami stosowanymi w ochronie drobnych zwierząt, w tym płazów, na drogach i budowach, zasadami postępowania administracyjnego dotyczącego ograniczania śmiertelności zwierząt oraz doskonalenie umiejętności w przeprowadzaniu ocen oddziaływania różnych inwestycji na środowisko (populacje płazów i siedliska, w których one występują). 

26 września w Ośrodku Edukacji Środowiskowej Wigierskiego Parku Narodowego na Słupiu odbyły się warsztaty poświęcone ochronie płazów. Celem warsztatów było zapoznanie uczestników z metodami stosowanymi w ochronie drobnych zwierząt, w tym płazów, a zwłaszcza umiejętności wykorzystania wiedzy o płazach, ich znaczeniu i metodach ochrony w zajęciach szkolnych i pozaszkolnych, które będą kształtowały postawy przyjazne środowisku. 

29 września w Krzywem odbyły się warsztaty poświęcone ochronie płazów. Celem warsztatów było zapoznanie uczestników z metodami stosowanymi w ochronie drobnych zwierząt, w tym płazów, na drogach i budowach, zasadami postępowania administracyjnego dotyczącego ograniczania śmiertelności zwierząt oraz doskonalenie umiejętności w przeprowadzaniu ocen oddziaływania różnych inwestycji na środowisko (populacje płazów i siedliska, w których one występują).

July 2014

On July 25th, in Słupie Environmental Educational Center, in educational base of Wigry National Park, the third educational activities related to the implementation of the project 'Protection of amphibians in Natura 2000 areas in north-eastern Poland' (LIFE12 NAT/PL/000063), took place.

The lecture called 'Amphibians ABC' was attended by 31 children from the Suwalszczyzna area.

The activities were based on conducting amphibians observations during the summer season, i.e., during the seasonal migration of common frog, common toad and edible frog.On July 6th the construction of culverts system for amphibians on the road no 1953N (Skajzgiry - Zytkiejmy) in "Skajzgiry I" was completed.

On July 1st, the Association participated in the LIFE Information Day, organized in Warsaw by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The meeting was attended by 210 participants, in cluding many LIFE projects' beneficiaries.

June 2014

On June 26th, in School Complex in Stary Folwark, a lecture called 'Let's get to know amphibians in the nearest surroundings and learn to take care of them' took place. The lecture was attended by 2nd and 3rd grade students and their teachers (total of 33 people). It was led by Katarzyna Łukowska and Aleksandra Mackiewicz.

The lecture was based on a multimedia presentation enriched with classes based on the large format board game 'Let's play green'.

May 2014

29 maja zakończona została budowa systemu przepustów dla płazów na drodze nr 1953N (Skajzgiry-Żytkiejmy) w miejscowości Skajzgiry II. Na odcinku drogi o długości 0,250 km (od km 3+330 do km 3+580) wybudowano 4 tunele o długość 9 m każdy, 8 portali i 500 m barier naprowadzających po obu stronach drogi. Tunele są rozmieszczone w poprzek drogi co 50 m. Wszystkie elementy konstrukcyjne przepustów są wykonane z polimerobetonu i dzięki temu charakteryzują się wysoką wytrzymałością na ściskanie i zginanie, odpornością chemiczną, brakiem zbrojenia oraz nienasiąkliwością (głębokość penetracji wody = 0 mm).

18 maja, w Szkole Podstawowej w Nowej Wsi, odbyła się prelekcja pod tytułem "Poznajemy płazy w najbliższym otoczeniu i uczymy się o nie dbać", w której uczestniczyli uczniowie klas II i III, wraz z opiekunami (w sumie 30 osób). Prelekcję prowadziły Katarzyna Łukowska i Aleksandra Mackiewicz.

Prelekcja była realizowana z wykorzystaniem prezentacji multimedialnej.

On May 18th, at Primary School in Nowa Wieś, a lecture called 'Let's get to know amphibians in the nearest surroundings and learn to take care of them' took place. The lecture was attended by 2nd and 3rd grade students and their teachers (total of 30 people). It was led by Katarzyna Łukowska and Aleksandra Mackiewicz.

March 2014

From March 8th to March 15th, a study visit to Spain took place. Three people from the Association took part in it - Anna Krzysztofiak, Dominika Rupp-Janecka and Tomasz Janecki, who visited the places of two projects funded by the EU within the LIFE +.

In the Basque Country, on the area of the Izki National Park, a project ‘PRO-Izki - Ecosystem Management of Izki pyrenaika Quercus forest and habitats and species of community in terest related to it’ is being implemented.

December 2013

Work has begun on the restoration of the four water reservoirs in order to create optimal breeding conditions for the selected species of amphibians. The first pond is located in Romincka Forest, near the village of Zytkiejmy, while the other three are located on the area of the Leszczewo village, within the Wigry National Park borders.

November 2013

On November 5th, in Warsaw, in the headquarters of the National Fund a kick-off meeting was held, as a beginning of new projects’ in the 2012 edition implementation. After the general section, in which representatives of the National Fund and the EC LIFE+ discussed the most important issues related to the implementation of the projects, in dividual beneficiaries of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and Poland presented, in brief, the main assumptions of their projects. On behalf of the Man and Nature Association, Anna Krzysztofiak, the project’s coordinator, was the one who gave the presentation.

September 2013

On September 3rd, in Brussels, in the headquarters of the European Commission, an agreement to grunt funding for the "Amphibians protection on the Nature 2000 areas in north-eastern Poland" LIFE+ NAT/PL/000063 project was signed. The granted means, in the amount of 1 965 076 EUR, come from the UE LIFE+ Financial Instrument and are linked to the selection of projects in the 2012 edition. The overall cost of the project is 3 930 152 EUR, in cluding 50% from the EU LIFE+ and 45% from the National Fund.

August 2013

On August 14th, in Warsaw, in the headquarters of National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, an agreement on co-financing in the form of a grant for a project implemented within the LIFE+ Financial Instrument called ‘Amphibians protection on the Nature 2000 areas in north-eastern Poland’ was signed. The National Fund co-financed the project with the amount of 1 768 568 EUR.